Saturday, March 07, 2009
According to today's Sinfest, one of the devil girls' names is Fuchsia. And it's spelled correctly! This made me squeee. So now I wonder what the other one's name is. Cyan? Aquamarine? I like the introduction of these devil girls. Not just for the fact that they're there to be sex, make out with one another and corrupt innocent souls. But there's a good bit of characterization going on, as in the recent Expand My World and Why Did You Make Me Like This story arcs...well, really the whole Fuchsia story arc. Ishida usually has these one-off or week-long gags, and there's not a whole lot of continuity, aside from the major personality traits of all of the characters. But here, there's something a little more going on, and I think that's kind of neat. (0) comments |