Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I watched an episode of South Park last night. It was the one where Cartman and Butters take over a PF Chang's because Cartman's afraid of the Chinese taking over the world. But in that same episode is some of the other South Park youngsters being traumatized over George Lucas and Steven Spielburg's handling of the Indiana Jones franchise with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Now, I haven't seen the movie. I was never that big a fan of Indiana Jones. And I've read some stuff online on how many people were disappointed about how certain elements of the movie turned out. *** Spoilers ahead, in the off chance you haven't seen any Indiana Jones movies *** But I had a realization this morning. How is it that people complained up and down that Indiana Jones dealt with aliens at the end of the movie, but no one batted an eye when he drank from the freakin' Holy Grail? I'm not necessarily argueing for the inclusion of extraterrestrials into Indiana Jones folklore, but Dr. Jones has been through some equally fantastic (if not more so) things in his career already. I'm just saying. Labels: Indiana Jones, South Park
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